Love.Love.Love you my crazy fun, adventurous friend. I remember you talking about this months ago and remember thinking how far away that seemed. Now June is upon us...what an exciting time as we await Mr. Sol's upcoming arrival!
(06.11.11 @ 03:54 PM)We'll have try that next year! Is the antique store in Chandler as well?
(06.12.11 @ 09:58 PM)![u885.jpg](http://laurenclarksblog.com/u885.jpg)
How funny. I just saw this idea the other day too. I haven't started working on anything yet, but its on my to do list. My sister-in-law's mom made her daughters a little quilted beach ball looking thing with all the family members photo and names on it. It was pretty cool too!
I did this with both my boys. It is a great way for facial recognizion. When my sosn were little they didnt see grandparents often enough...so when they DID see them, they smiled more and felt more at ease with them bc they had seen their faces "before". Its a great idea and you will benefit from it greatly (and so will Solomon!)
(06.08.11 @ 06:16 PM)great idea!
love pinterest.
i'm guessing you saw the idea too: http://pinterest.com/pin/20113086/
Love it!!! You're SO close!! Need to catch up! Miss you all!
(06.10.11 @ 02:01 PM)![u2003.jpg](http://laurenclarksblog.com/u2003.jpg)
(06.08.11 @ 10:44 AM)Ahh cute summer preggo feet! I remember sporting that look all too well. Thank the good Lord your little guy will be here before July and August roll around. MISERABLE! Stay near that water and I can't wait until your little one arrives =)
(06.07.11 @ 08:44 PM)
Love reading your blog! Happy that you are doing well :) Thanks again for the advice you gave me a few months ago when I emailed. We can all see how happy you are now that work has slowed down while you wait for baby. I envy your down time and look forward to being your shoes a year or 2 from now. Take care and I'm praying for you!
(06.14.11 @ 02:17 PM)You WILL be an amazing mom with AMAZING photos of your little guy to add to your mom awesomeness. God gave you everything you need to be sweet Solomon's mom. Good luck! Prayers for a safe and SPEEDY delivery!
(06.14.11 @ 06:37 PM)You'll be a great Momma, Lauren! Solomon is one lucky little guy!
(06.15.11 @ 09:00 AM)Motherhood is a wonderful journey with lots and lots of ups and lots and lots of downs...keep the Lord close and don't be afraid to ask for help!
(06.20.11 @ 09:49 PM)