July 16, 2011
Love these!!!! I did something similar with my first (but less artsy). I took a pic on the same day every week of him laying on his red blanket with the same giant stuffed bear. I did it for months. Then one day, he was bigger than the bear. It was a fun little version of a growth chart. So fun to look back at. And we still have the bear. I never had time to do it with my second, lol. But maybe I'll attempt it with my third :)
(07.19.11 @ 02:45 AM)![a11306.jpg](http://laurenclarksblog.com/a11306.jpg)
Your such a good Momma!
(07.13.11 @ 01:18 PM)oh i love this shot. have been looking forward to seeing which shots you got of your baby. we're not friends, but i think we know lots of the same people because i lived in lubbock for a few years & went to trinity church, plus i follow your blog & you know how that makes you feel like you "know" the author. anyway, i had a baby 3 weeks ago. i'm going through similar things. just want to say how ahead of the curve you are in your approach (schedule, stomach sleeping, crying it out, etc) for being a 1st time mom. and also wanted to encourage you to keep sharing your feelings with someone or on your blog like you did here. motherhood can be so isolating & draining at the same time it is fufilling. sharing those thoughts are important to keeping you from drowning in them! i learned the hard way. congrats!
(07.13.11 @ 01:26 PM)Are you eating dairy? You may try eliminating all dairy products from your diet as well. It takes 2 weeks to exit your system, so he will be an even happier baby in two weeks with his medicine and no dairy :). My baby has the same acid reflux problem and we were put on zantac, but we found out a few weeks later that the acid reflux can actually be caused by a milk protein intolerance (MSPI). And sure enough, they tested her stool and she had the MSPI. It is very common in babies and they usually outgrow it between 6 months and one year.
(07.13.11 @ 01:33 PM)You are becoming a great mommy. You know what to do. I'm happy he is feeling better. I am very proud of you on your weight. I kinda didn't lose the weight and now after almost two years I'm getting it off(it's harder after a long period of time). You are doing great!!!
(07.13.11 @ 02:05 PM)I loved using the Baby Wise method. My daughter is now 6 and she's so well behaved (of course she has her moments!) and she's so comfortable with who she is. I believe that a routine is what has made her comfortable, she always knew what to expect and was never surprised and wondering when was what. A routine is key!! Not that you have to live life according to it but it really does help. :) She has always slept very well at night with only a period of time when she was moved to a big girl bed and had to get use to that plus her trying to claim some independence. Sorry for babbling but I just wanted to tell you that I loved Baby Wise and the books that follow. Oh and Soloman is such a cutie pie!! Congrats!
(07.13.11 @ 02:34 PM)My child had silent reflux. it was hard to diagnose him because nothing ever came up. Hince the name silent. YOU were very smart to notice the signs early. It can be tough! It sounds like you are doing well. Something else i swore by was the book Happiest Baby on the Block. You might have heard of it all ready but it got us through some tuff days. I give it as gifts now when i go to baby showers. Hope this advice from a stranger is not too weird. I am sure you are getting tons of advice and probably more than you want ; )
Your doing great!! I remember when we brought our daughter home and I was so overwhelmed and couldn't get everyithing done. I was telling this to a friend and she said...Don't worry about having your house clean and dinner on the table by 6 o'clock everynight. Your babies grow up so fast and you can clean your house in 20 years when their grown and in college. This was the best advice given to me. We did the Baby Wise and I HIGHLY recommend it! It gave me a lot of freedom and it also made me feel better knowing that they were getting really good sound sleep. And with the baby on a sleep schedule it gave me time to pick up the house. I started doing one chore a day, like Mondays I vacuum, Tuesday I dust, Wednesday I clean bathrooms, Thursday I sweep and mop and Friday I vacuum and Saturday and Sunday I don't clean house at all and then I do one load of laundry a day. I hope this has helped you. Just remember the stage won't last long so enjoy every minute of it!
(07.14.11 @ 03:09 PM)I love that sweet picture. It's one of my favorites you have taken of him. Congratulations...I am glad he is getting back on track!
(07.14.11 @ 03:56 PM)Oh my! This sounds exactly like Asher's newborn period. Acid reflux + a little colic = one tired mom! We're still doing Zantac with him. I think baby boys are much more needy of their mommy....especially if they don't feel well. Hang in there...it does get a little better and much easier. But there's no doubt it is the MOST exhausting period for ole mom =)
(07.15.11 @ 09:06 AM)So glad to hear things are going well! My sister's little man has acid reflux bad too! he's about 3 1/2 months and things are getting better with him too! Email me and I can send you her email if you want to chat about it.. i know that always helps! Hope the puppy doggies are loving their new little brother! Take CarE!
(07.15.11 @ 03:57 PM)That turned out soooo cute!! :)
What did you put the movie together with, if you don't mind me asking? I would love to do one of my kids, I just need more video. :D
Lauren, this is absolutely beautiful! So sweet.
Very Sweet!!! This is oh so precious! And love the song!
Oh my gosh this was one of the most beautiful things I've watched in a long time! SO CUTE and such an amazingly good idea! Congratulations, he is gorgeous!
(07.11.11 @ 03:13 AM)BEAUTIFUL!!! That was the most precious video I have ever seen! What a blessing. That wil be something... too look back on that video 5, 10, 20 years from now! Honestly amazing!!! :)
(07.11.11 @ 09:24 AM)So sweet!
So precious! Your little boy looks so sweet-what a beautiful blessing.
This is just beautiful!! He is a gorgeous baby!! Congrats to you all!
(07.11.11 @ 12:35 PM)what a precious video and memory for Solomon when he grows up and has children of his own. :) He is a beautiful baby!
(07.11.11 @ 11:09 PM)This was just amazing Lauren! It brought tears! congratulations to you 3!!!!
(07.11.11 @ 11:40 PM)This video is sooo sooo cute and special! You will all cherish it for years to come. Such a great idea!
(07.12.11 @ 10:46 AM)I don't know you, but I love you! God uses you in the most incredible ways! Thank you!!
(07.12.11 @ 04:19 PM)He's here, he's here! He's finally here!!!! So excited for you and Josh! Soak it all in, 'cause it will fly by way to fast :-( Congrats!
(07.12.11 @ 09:29 PM)Lauren: Where did you get the shelves in Solomon's room? Love them!!!!!! (I'm assuming IKEA) :)
(07.12.11 @ 10:40 PM)This is such a neat idea. You'll be so glad you took lots of video year down the road! =)
(07.15.11 @ 11:07 AM)This video is amazing, the music makes the video set in time almost
(07.21.11 @ 06:52 AM)
This was my DD#2! After about 2 weeks...she would just fuss and we could not figure out what was wrong. The only time she was content was was when she was upright. Feeding her was a nightmare. She seemed to just want to suckle ALL.THE.TIME but would fuss. After about 6 weeks we figured out that she would sleep on her stomach. I know it is a no-no now...but we needed to sleep and so did she! We were also given stuff for reflux but I hated giving such a little person medicine...so we opted to do our best to remedy it as much as we could naturally (like all the things you described above). She is a vibrant 6yo now!
(07.16.11 @ 11:14 PM)i soo feel you! My oldest had the worst reflux. It meant little sleep for me or him. He grew out of his about 8-9 mos.
(07.17.11 @ 03:50 PM)Hi Lauren- I have been blog stalking you forever! I have a 6 month old with AR, and I feel your pain. One thing that he LOVED was when I would hold him and bounce with him on my excersise ball in the kitchen with the microwave fan on. He also loved the dryer. It is very exhausting but gets much better, he is now on prevacid and pulmcord breathing treatments.
(07.17.11 @ 08:13 PM).
My daughter had severe reflux and outgrew it around 9 months. Just a little tip...once you put the Zantac in their mouth, if you blow in their face it causes them to swallow and they wont' spit it out. That came out of my pre-photographer RN closet..ha! He is a handsome little guy!
(07.17.11 @ 08:21 PM)Lauren, Has his doctor put him on any meds for this? My son had AR very badly when he was a baby. It was tough. I would offer this advice if Solomon is on medicine - wipe his gums after each time you give him the medicine and when he starts getting teeth - brush them after each dose of medicine. The reason is the pharmacy will suspend the acid reflux medicine in a liquid that is all but pure sugar and can do a lot of damage to little teeth. You'll spend a fortune later fixing the damage. Just a heads up.
(07.18.11 @ 10:28 AM)I co slept with my son for months because of his reflux. He literally slept on me while in the recliner. I thought i was horrible and not doing things the way i "should", BUT we both did get sleep. I am pleased to say that he is two and has been sleeping in his crib for years now and he sleeps great! : )
Sounds like you have a great system and you are a great mom!!!
(07.19.11 @ 12:54 PM)