Thanks Lauren! :) Been feeling this lately too. I'm just ready to see God erupt in our churches! Something big is coming, and I can't wait!
(01.18.12 @ 11:57 AM)preach on friend. preach on.
i love your heart. you inspire me to know HIM more and keep in check the gift of photography, that it is to reflect HIM and HIS creativity and HIS beauty and HIS people.
thank you.
Well said, love this post!! I'm so glad that I'm not the only person that has been thinking exactly that!!!
Thank you for being an inspiration!! :)
God bless!! :)
Thanks for the post, Lauren! I know a few people that are searching for the money, fame, acknowledgement, etc. They go from person to person or hobby to hobby thinking the next one will be THE big one! It's nice to hear that from someone that I follow and look up to, not only as a pro photog, but also someone whom I believe has a genuine heat. God longs to give us far more than we can ever imagine!
(01.18.12 @ 12:18 PM)We all need a little "Preachy Preach" now & then. And furthermore, because of your "fame" as a photographer, your reach through this blog is much larger than most. I commend you for using the platform that God gave you to preach His Gospel!!! You are an amazing photographer - you took pictures that made me okay with seeing "me" in a picture for goodness sake!!!! But its when we do EVERYTHING to HIS glory that things unfold in a manner we could never imagine. I am excited to see what God has in store for you and the talents that he gave you! Keep up the good work. . . . you are earning crowns, love!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
(01.18.12 @ 12:18 PM)Lauren, that is right on and so TRUE! Thanks!
(01.18.12 @ 12:21 PM)Just posted on my own blog about this very thing.
Go here and watch this video on Amazon. It's been burning up my heart all day! http://www.amazon.com/gp/mpd/permalink/m31AGO67I6MNEM/ref=ent_fb_link
(01.18.12 @ 12:31 PM)This definitely spoke to my heart. I am realizing that the things of this world are not worth what we put into them. This is truly inspiring and motivating.
(01.18.12 @ 12:47 PM)Lauren... You are so wise for your age... Most women don't figure these things out until SO MUCH later in life (if ever). I'm so PROUD of you! You don't even know me personally, but I am just that... Proud of you! As someone just breaking into the professional world of Photography, now I just need to figure out how to tie the two together for myself. It will be so much more rewarding that way... THANK YOU!
(01.18.12 @ 01:22 PM)thanks for the inspiration!! i always love reading your blog & this is one of my favorites of yours! thank you thank you!! :) i needed this!
(01.18.12 @ 02:06 PM)Thank you Lauren! I have been feeling a bit lost lately and thinking I needed to make a change. This spoke to me and now I know I need to just turn it over to God and learn to live for Him.
(01.18.12 @ 04:56 PM)Amen. And amen. I'm comforted to know I'm not the only one that has traveled, eaten, dieted, shopped, and the list goes on...to fill the void. And I'm expecially comforted by the reminder that Jesus is the only ONE that satisfies. Thanks, Lauren.
(01.18.12 @ 07:53 PM)Lauren- thanks for this blog post! These have been some of my thoughts lately! Preach on!
(01.18.12 @ 08:57 PM)Thank you for sharing your heart. I relate to always feel like I am searching for something to "fill" me (hobby after hobby), but when my heart it the most satisfied it's always when I feel closest to God. He is the only thing that can fill that spot that is purposely in every one of us. Thank you for the reminder, I know I needed it.
(01.18.12 @ 10:21 PM)Hi Lauren. I've come across your blog, and I enjoy your work, and I enjoy the blog. I, too, am Christian, and a young mom, and I think it's great that you take the opportunity to share your testimony on your blog. When I first read this, I either read it too fast, or you added a PS, because I was thinking about your post today and came back to say that you have been blessed with an incredible talent. I know this wasn't your resignation letter, but I think the Lord has blessed us each with different talents. He doesn't want us to burry them, but wants us to share them, and use them to uplift others. ....which is what it seems like you do. Think of the lasting photographs and memories you give to people. Think of the contribution of genealogy you give to these families. I don't think it's evil if fame and fortune come with it. Now if that's your motivation, I'm sure there's a different argument there. You seem to have your priorities set straight, with Christ in the center, surrounded by your sweet family. I love that you take the time to share your testimony. Seems like you're an example to those around you. Keep up the good work, and nice to meet ya. :) -Kendal
(01.18.12 @ 10:42 PM)The truth will set you free. Never regret saying it regardless of the cost. And what is it worth to gain the world but lose your soul? Keep seeking, speaking and being held accountable and challenged. Peace out-G
(01.18.12 @ 10:47 PM)beautiful words.
(01.19.12 @ 06:14 AM)Preach it sister! No beating around the bush, just lay it all out! My heart is cheering for you. Thanks for the encouragement!
(01.19.12 @ 09:57 AM)Hi Lauren! I just finished doing a study on I Thessalonians and we talked a lot about the end times. Reading your blog this morning reminded me of the urgency we have to spread the gospel just like Paul did. Thank you for living your faith out loud - you are such an inspiration. Praise God! :)
(01.19.12 @ 11:02 AM)so. hi. i never comment.
but today was a must.
because i read your beautiful post. the one written from a heart filled with passion for Jesus. love it. and i wanted to tell you as a "friend" AND as a client, please continue with your unbelievable talent. because you know what? Jesus used YOUR talent to bless MY life and the life of my family. you captured memories for us in a way that documents who my kiddos are. so right now...please thank Him for giving you an amazing talent. and share that with others. BECAUSE of Him.
there. i'm done.
(01.19.12 @ 12:24 PM)See...I told you I check in on your blog whenever you post something powerful and what I need to hear. I am now actually starting to realize that this happens to me EVERY TIME I visit. Your most recent post is something like this. Thank you!! I myself have deleted my facebook...just for this reason. It was a hindrance to my quiet time. I also ran into a few incidents that made me feel down (back down to where I was the year before). But I keep having to remind myself the promises that God has ALREADY fulfilled!! I'm working on not worrying about what the world thinks, but about pleasing Him. I have withdrawn myself from seeking the popularity that you talk about and more on Him, and secondly my family. I have so much more peace this way. And you know what? He still provides the sessions. I'm not exactly sure HOW (well, I do! Him!)...they just come when I need it the most. Thanks for this breath of fresh air. I really needed it. I was hard on myself tonight and realized I needn't be!! Thank you thank you thank you!
(01.19.12 @ 08:59 PM)See...I told you I check in on your blog whenever you post something powerful and what I need to hear. I am now actually starting to realize that this happens to me EVERY TIME I visit. Your most recent post is something like this. Thank you!! I myself have deleted my facebook...just for this reason. It was a hindrance to my quiet time. I also ran into a few incidents that made me feel down (back down to where I was the year before). But I keep having to remind myself the promises that God has ALREADY fulfilled!! I'm working on not worrying about what the world thinks, but about pleasing Him. I have withdrawn myself from seeking the popularity that you talk about and more on Him, and secondly my family. I have so much more peace this way. And you know what? He still provides the sessions. I'm not exactly sure HOW (well, I do! Him!)...they just come when I need it the most. Thanks for this breath of fresh air. I really needed it. I was hard on myself tonight and realized I needn't be!! Thank you thank you thank you!
(01.19.12 @ 09:00 PM)Reminds me of the song I heard on KLOVE... Mandisa ~ Waiting For Tomorrow.
Big fan of your photography, and of this post :)
Here there or in the air!
I too have felt that emptiness and tried to fill it with all the wrong things, including, to a certain extent, my photography. This is a good reminder that we can only truly be satisfied and made whole through our lord and savior Jesus.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
(01.30.12 @ 12:54 PM)![u3099.jpg](http://laurenclarksblog.com/u3099.jpg)
The last picture of Josh and Solomon is my favorite!! Priceless:)
(01.16.12 @ 06:40 PM)I love how you can see tiny hands and a little camera in the reflection on the orangutan pic. And the last image is breathtaking - truly priceless!
(01.18.12 @ 12:09 PM)December 6, 2011
Enjoyed the video very much Lauren, thank you for posting. We are in love with our new gr. grand nephew!
Thank you Lauren for recording these moments for our family. Even my "special" peformance. LOL! Gotta learn to laugh at yourself right???
(12.07.11 @ 07:44 PM)He is just precious Lauren:) Heavenlee has 5 teeth already...she got her two bottom teeth at 4 months and three top ones at 6! Girls teeth faster than boys....usually:)
(12.08.11 @ 12:52 AM)I love the music! What video editing software do you use?
(12.08.11 @ 02:19 PM)I loved watching this, Lauren. I can't wait to kiss his face soonish!
This was so good! I think my favorite moment was at 3:27, if I remember correctly. Definitely an "awww" moment. These videos you make are wonderful! Ones to treasure forever, for sure!
(12.12.11 @ 01:29 PM)Hi Lauren,
I love these videos, and I was just wondering what you use to shoot them? Also, do you use in software to add the music etc? Thank you! :)
I woke up this morning after Solomon had slept for 11 hours straight for the first time and realized that I needed to use his first awake hour to do a word search on the IPad on the You Version Bible App. My dad taught me how to study the Bible and I am very grateful. He taught me to find a word that I'm interested in and search it from beginning to end and write down the first mention and any verses that are meaningful or build on the previous verse. I decided to do mine on tree (half because of the Christmas tree debate and half because of the tree of life that I've been reading into from Genesis 3). I learned a quote from my favorite preacher, Tommy Nelson from Denton Bible Church, this week and he said that the Word of God will not yield its fruits to a lazy man, you have to come before the Word of God with a humble and willing heart. I had no idea that studying a tree would take me to these places in my thoughts this morning...
When you have a child, your world changes, your body changes and your cares REALLY change. Solomon is now starting to notice what we do and this is scary and a very exciting challenge. He turns his head to the TV when he is in the room and he reaches for the IPad when we are on it. You start to think about how you are going to discipline and teach your child when they reach this point, because YOU are about to shape their world and their morals through love and discipline (or lack of it in some cases).
I've thought about how I want him to be creative, play outdoors, sing, be happy and innovative. Josh's hopes for Solomon are some the same, but some, much different. He wants Solomon to be a man's man, excel at sports and learn to wrestle around. You can read tons of books (as I have) on the subjects of how to shape children into what you want and it is all so overwhelming and will probably not work out like you had hoped. I have been feeling the pressure and guilt of all of this (shaping the perfect child) in the last few weeks as he is entering into another phase of his young life, and this morning I realized something... nothing else matters except the eternal things. My sister-in-law told me this when I was fretting on my private blog about parenting styles while I was pregnant and how others would think of me when I did things a different way. It really stuck with me.
I was doing a word search Bible study this morning on the word "tree" and through a few rabbit trails I found a passage that talked about the coming of Christ and how we should be careful not to be overeating, being drunk and overtaken with the cares of this world while waiting for His return. I thought back on my last week and the entire thing was filled with thoughts of food (what to cook, where to dine out, calorie counting, etc...) and the cares of this world (dying my hair, redecorating my house, finding that perfect plate for my plate rail, making more money for a good vacation next year, organizing all of my mess, buying a Christmas present for someone that will make them like me more etc...) and it struck me.- none of these things are eternal and when you look back on the vapors of your life, they are meaningless.
I started thinking about the life of Jesus and tried to sum up what he did that was so important (of course the cross, but I am focusing on his day to day activities) and I came to the conclusion that it was what he says is the sum of everything, " Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself."
I do not love my neighbor as myself. I put myself first and rarely think of anyone else. What a terrible way to live. Jesus walked around helping people, loving them out of sin and restoring their hope. He brought people joy and compelled them to repent (turn and walk away from wrong for forever) and to love, forgive, and serve while doing it in the name of God.
I am going to brainstorm and see how I can live my life to serve and love others and teach my son to be a man of God and not a man of the world. It is a huge task with many, many pits ahead, but it gives me a fuller purpose than just trying to create a well-rounded artist/super-athlete.
Please pray for me! Children imitate their parents and their parent's lifestyles and my own life needs an overhaul for this little boy's sake! We must always be willing to let the word of God change us and make us better people and I am so glad that the Bible worked into my heart in a surprising way this morning.
You can do it! Just remember its not something that will just happen overnight. Its a life long process. And don't worry about failing. Because failing is what leads us to let the Lord bring us back up. And in that He will see just how much of a amazing Mom you are by letting Jesus lead you. :) I love reading your posts! Thank you for sharing this.
(11.29.11 @ 09:33 AM)Wow. I am thankful that God spoke through you to me with this message today.... Thank you for having the boldness to put it out there.
You are a wonderful child of God and an awesome mother, Lauren! If every parent considered the important undertaking of raising a wholesome child with love and God's influence, the world would be such a better place. I will be praying for you and your husband, as well as Soloman. May he grow up to be a strong man that can enjoy this world, yet know when to step back and not be so much "of this world". Please do the same for me and my teenagers! :) Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2012 to you!
(11.29.11 @ 09:42 AM)Thank you for sharing this! You and Josh are such terrific parents to Solomon and it is refreshing to see parents who put so much thought and prayer into their decisions. Solomon will thank you for it one day.
(11.29.11 @ 09:46 AM)I really believe God used you and this post to reach me and probably many others. What powerful words... I need to hear them over and over!
(11.29.11 @ 01:00 PM)Lauren! Thank you for such a lovely, transparent post. It was one of the best things I've read in a long time!
(11.29.11 @ 11:54 PM)Thank you so much, Lauren.
(11.30.11 @ 02:25 PM)
What an awesome idea! Way to use your gift for impact! I also made a trip to Teguc (a medical mission with Lifechurch back in '07). The Jones have such a heart for the Hondurans, it's beautiful what they are able to do! Love all you pics from there :c)
(01.22.12 @ 07:13 AM)amazing idea lauren! love that!
(01.24.12 @ 10:32 AM)Oh Lauren...I loved seeing this today! We moved to Tegucigalpa at the beginning of this month to be the directors for another ministry here...I love that you are doing this, what a great impact it will have!
(01.24.12 @ 03:34 PM)