I really want to come out there for family photos, and add the new videos you do! you've inspired me to do more videos of my kids that aren't just on my iphone :)
(10.06.11 @ 10:35 PM)OMG. If I had the money, I would fly from Michigan to Oklahoma and have you take pictures of my baby girl. I LOVE your photography.
(10.07.11 @ 11:17 AM)![dairyfree.jpg](http://laurenclarksblog.com/dairyfree.jpg)
Great post! There's been a time or two that Athan has been extra gassy and I think one time it was close to when I'd had a milk shake so I wondered if that did it...I'm all about trying to lose some weight(I lost all my baby fat in like 2 weeks, but have been stuck there for the last 4!) Maybe I'll try dairy free! I haven't had it in a while, but when I was younger my aunt always got Rice Dream and it was really good! Pretty sure it is dairy free. Try it! It could totally be your new ice cream!
When I'm hungry for a burrito, I eat apple, peanut butter and granola burrito. It gives me the tortilla taste I like without the fattening refried beans and cheese. It's not exactly Mexican food, but it makes a great lunch or even dinner. I've also had it with avacados, romaine and raspberry vinaigrette. It tastes like a sweet and salty salad...but the tortilla taste is so good with it. You don't have a Rosa's in Stillwater for the best tortillas in the world, though! Bet you miss ole' Rosas. I just love Mexican food and these are the tasty ways I trick myself into thinking I'm getting it. Ha. Keep it up! 48 pounds is quite impressive!
(10.03.11 @ 12:25 AM)thank you for all of the suggestions!
i went dairy-free for the month of september and felt 50% better than i did before. i still think that my main issue is with gluten. on october 1st, i ate 2 pieces of cheese pizza and they tasted better than anything i had ever sunk my teeth into! ;)
while i will maintain a mostly dairy-free diet, i will be sure to include a little bit. please continue to share any recipes/tips, as i'm sure we'll find them very helpful!
thanks a bunch!
My youngest had a horrible case of reflux. I was strictly nursing her and trying to cut anything I could out of my diet. We were back and forth between Zantac and Prevacid and the Dr. We had her crib propped up, she mostly slept on someones chest or in her bouncer or swing.... At 4 months old she was 9 pounds :( She was on the verge of being admitted to the hospital and I was having a REALLY hard time with it. I felt like I couldn't provide for her. I was literally in tears every night. I had no choice but to stop nursing her because of health issues I was going through at the time ( thyroid issues that were effecting my milk supply... I ended up having the right side of my thyroid removed when she was 6 months old ). We had gotten her on a formula called Elecare (amino acid based) and she FINALLY started gaining weight!!!! She actually chunked up so fast!!! I loved her little baby rolls!!!!! She ended up being lactose intolerant on top of the reflux. She outgrew the intolerance at 2 1/2 though!!! She will be three in December, and you would never know she was once this itty bitty baby with all those tummy issues!!!!
(10.03.11 @ 09:26 PM)ugg.. I did this for a week to see if it's why my son was acting up. Neither my doctor or I thought it was the real reason (it wasn't) but we thought we'd give it a try. I never knew how much dairy I ate in each meal! I know I love milk and icecream, but every meal had cheese or cream! Good for you for embracing it so well and making those sacrifices for your son!
(10.05.11 @ 08:08 PM)sounds awesome! when you say dairy free.....how extreme do you go to dairy free? does this include no eggs? no cream cheese? no baked goods with milk or eggs in them? just curious......and gluten free...how in the world do you get around that???
These songs are perfect! Who is the artist and where do you find such great music?
(09.26.11 @ 12:55 PM)I second Cassie's questions.
(09.26.11 @ 02:26 PM)I promise all of your readers have completely fallen in love with your little man! He's probably the most "followed" baby in OK/TX! It's so fun to watch these videos...
(09.26.11 @ 04:14 PM)
Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's been a year!!!! What a whirlwind!
(10.12.11 @ 08:51 AM)Sweet post Lauren! You guys are so blessed to have Sol in your life! Love following your journey!
(10.13.11 @ 07:39 PM)