I've been trying to decide on a baby mobile for the nursery and wanted to think up a new idea that I haven't seen before and make it myself. After thinking and browsing tons of etsy sites, it came to me: paper airplanes, and then comics and then a bike wheel to spin them all.
Here is what I've come up with. I will have to find a way to safely secure it to the ceiling since it weighs about 5 pounds, but I think it will make a cute mobile!
I bought 3 old comic books from an antique store for $2.50/each and used a glue stick to glue the comics to both sides of a thicker card stock paper. I had cut the paper in half for 3 larger airplanes and cut it into 1/4ths for the smaller ones. While the paper was still pliable from the wet glue I went ahead and folded them into a "Dart" airplane and let them dry.
I cut red ribbon and folded it in half and glued a loop into the top fold for something to string it through and then glued the bottom flaps down to look a little more manicured. The bicycle wheel is a 20 inch for a child's bike that I bought new at the little bike shop here for $24. I can't decide if I will spray paint the wheel or not, but this is the progress!

Love it!
(03.09.11 @ 04:14 PM)Ok seriously Lauren this came out AMAZING!
(03.09.11 @ 05:00 PM)Wow, that is SO cool! Your little boy is so lucky!
(03.09.11 @ 05:36 PM)You are sooooooo creative!....love seeing the progress of Sol's nursery....i am 24 weeks and have not bought one thing or thought of a name...YIKES!!! Sooooo busy running after a three year old boy, working, and photography!....You inspire me!!!!!!!!!!!!
(03.09.11 @ 08:04 PM)This is adorable and you did a really great job on it!
(03.10.11 @ 08:25 AM)You are so talented, it's unreal.
(03.10.11 @ 02:18 PM)i don't even remember how in the world i stumbled on to your blog, but i'm loving it! i contacted you a few days ago about workshops! i need for you to be my mentor :)
(03.11.11 @ 09:17 AM)What a fun idea!!!!!! I love it!
(03.11.11 @ 06:26 PM)How creative! I love it. I'm sure your little one will treasure it!
(03.15.11 @ 12:03 AM)So cute! I love your creative ideas.
(03.15.11 @ 08:03 PM)This is AWESOME!!!! Very creative :)
(04.03.11 @ 10:44 PM)Hi Lauren! I love the mobile! Just curious, what did you use to hang it from the ceiling?
(08.08.11 @ 07:51 AM)This is just gorgeous! I absolutely adore that bicycle wheel! We featured you today on Paper Issues! http://paperissues.blogspot.com/2011/08/airplane-mobile.html
(08.16.11 @ 03:39 PM)OMGoodness!!! This is the coolest thing ever!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!
(08.17.11 @ 06:35 AM)this is just incredible!!
(08.18.11 @ 06:33 PM)I just came up with the MOST original idea to use an old film reel and paper airplanes for a mobile. then i looked on pinterest to see if anyone had pinned one and found YOUR awesome mobile pinned... I love it! yours is great!
(10.27.11 @ 10:15 PM)a wonderful mobile!!!!great idea,really!
(10.28.11 @ 04:59 AM)Hi, do you have the website of where you bought the old comics? Thank you
(11.14.12 @ 09:58 PM)