It get kind of fiery when people are in need, especially when injustice is involved.

I guess it is all of the sermons on justice that I've been listening to. I've been reading a lot in the major prophets and it talks a LOT about how the people of God turned a blind eye on the widows and orphans in need and don't plead their case and get them justice when they need it. 

I have known my friend, Tammy-Dawn Gibson, for almost a year now through a local Bible Study and she has been trying to adopt three Haitian children since last winter. The government just threw them for a loop and threw out their adoption because of a paperwork problem that was SO wrong on (and their hefty $35000 that they have been raising for the last year, yes, that was three zeros), and their deadline is looming because if they don't make it before then then the adoption will for sure be delayed a year or two.

Long story short, they have a few days to re-apply and raise at least HALF of the $35000 fees in order to get their children that they have met and been promised. Yes, this seems insurmountable, but nothing is impossible with God, and He works through His people.

Now I have a little bit of fire on this topic because I feel like most people don't really believe the words of Jesus. They like them, but taking action on them is another story. Remember when the person asked Jesus who his "neighbor" was supposed to be after Jesus said that the second greatest command was to love your neighbor as yourself?

Jesus went on to tell a story about a total stranger in need who was badly beaten and stolen from. He was lying there on the side of the road, helpless. Remember, this is a total stranger.

The Priest saw him and walked by. Think of this guy as the head pastor.

The Levite saw and walked by. Think of this guy as the support staff at church or a well known Christian around town.

A Samaritan saw and had compassion. Think of this guy as a very poor person in today's world (Samaritans were half Jews and half of a tribe from the nations, they were looked down on by the Israelites because of their half heathen heritage, they were the lower class of the culture).

He took the time to bandage his wounds and let him ride on his donkey, and then PAID for him to recover at a hotel. 

Jesus asked the man which one had been the neighbor to the man in need. 

Wow. I LOVE this passage.

Do you really believe that you will have treasure in heaven when you give to those in need? Do you really believe that He will give it back to you pressed down, shaken and running over?
Would you give in secret to a total stranger when no one else will ever know about it?
Is your faith sure enough in those promises and in God to actually give of your financial strength to an orphan that you will NEVER meet?

That is faith in action. That is the challenge that I set before all of you readers today.

If you aren't a Christian, then please skip this post because it will seem silly to you to give to someone that you won't ever get a thank you card from, but if you call yourself by the name of Christ then I ask you to reach into your heart and give to a stranger to help three orphans that they have been promised.

Donate here through paypal:

This is not a hoax, this is real life. 100% of your donation goes straight to retrieving their 3 children.


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Donnell Gray:

Sent my donation in! Hits close to home since my husband and I are in the process of adopting. Can't imagine. Praying!! So glad that our God is bigger than any circumstance!

(09.09.12 @ 09:07 PM)

Just wanted to say that non-christians give all the time, thanks for the link for this precious family.

(09.28.12 @ 10:08 PM)
Summer Lee:

Hi Lauren,
I have followed your work for quite some time and always enjoy reading your blog. I was saddened by how you closed this post however. You said, "If you aren't a Christian, then please skip this post because it will seem silly to you to give to someone that you won't ever get a thank you card from." I disagree wholeheartedly with your worldview that non-Christians would find it "silly" to give to others without receiving a thank you. There are atheists, Jews, buddhists, muslims, and people all over the world of different faiths and beliefs who help those in need, whether a thank you is given for the gesture or not. You do not have to be a Christian to be a good, kind human being. Christians are not the only people in the world capable of selflessly doing good works in their communities. I sincerely hope this family is able to complete the adoption of their three children, and I hope that eventually more people in this world understand that disparaging people whose beliefs differ from your own only creates more hate and more conflict.

(09.29.12 @ 03:45 PM)
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Let me begin by saying that 6 years ago when Josh decided to go back to school to be a teacher and a football coach I was not supportive. I had this idea of what being a coach's wife would look like and what our marriage and family life would look like and I would't have it. It was really terrible of me and I am so thankful that I've had the opportunity and time to grow up in love and maturity since then. 

If you know me very well then you know that I don't really care about sports, I was always in art classes instead of sports and thought that watching them was boring. I never knew the players, I never knew what was happening at any given moment and I thought the people were crazy who got all into it. 

Now I understand. It's all about the players! Now that I know these kids, I believe in them, and I want them to WIN! I was screaming and clapping the whole game! It was so exciting, I almost cried after the first touchdown. I know, dramatic. Maybe it's my pregnancy hormones. 
Yes, I did just type that. I think it was just this swelling of pride in my husband and the team that he cares so much about. He doesn't just go through the motions to get a paycheck, but he really, really wants these kids to succeed and have it all. It made me so proud of him, proud to be his wife.

I was photographing the team running onto the field, grabbed a few shots of my awesome hubby and then it happened, Blake took it down the field for a touchdown within minutes of the game starting. I was SO excited that I just welled up with pride and emotion. WHHAAA? Me, get excited over football? Yes, God changes people! It is true and it is totally amazing. It's evidence that we are right where we are supposed to be. 

I am thrilled to be Coach Clark's wife and can't wait to go to as many games as little Solomon will allow. I kept him out with me strapped into that stroller the entire time, he was a trooper and is now happily sleeping, hopefully until 10 AM. 

So yes, we won our first home game and yes, I am pregnant and cry all the time. 8 weeks to be exact. Both are really exciting. I've already gained about 5 pounds and am psyching myself out not to gain 70 again. Oh my.


Solomon is so loved here. He has about 20 babysitters waiting to watch him while I take photos. Thanks Coach Peveler!


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:-D woohoo!!!! Congrats lady!

(08.31.12 @ 11:50 PM)

Congrats Lauren! What a blessing you are to Josh. Do you follow Time Warp Wife? You and I are walking a similar path with the Lord right now and I find her blog very encouraging as I do yours as well. God Bless your growing family!!! xo

(09.01.12 @ 12:14 AM)

Congratulations!!!!! SO happy for you. Great football pics too - what lens are you using? You still a Canon user?

(09.01.12 @ 01:00 AM)
Carri (Neu) Strom:

Oh Lauren, congratulations!! That's just wonderful! I can imagine that being a coaches wife would be so hard. I remember seeing you at Love Affair and I remember that you had been having some hard times, and maybe that was part of it. God has obviously blessed you! I know you must be so proud of Josh. I grew up in a very small town, football was everything to all the people there. The coaches families were always watched after. Let all those high school girls help you with Soloman. Those boys and parents are so lucky to have you taking all those awesome pictures too. So good to see you post about your sweet little life, I admire you!

(09.01.12 @ 06:08 AM)
Harold Clark:

Congratulations Josh and your team! It's always nice to have a win and the first game win always gives an extra measure of confidence. Lauren, love the photos, you would make a great sports photographer. So happy to hear that Solomon will soon have have a little brother/sister. The Clark family is so fortunate to have you in our family. Thanks for the blog!.

(09.01.12 @ 08:46 AM)

Congratulations on bambino number two! Love the football pics too. :)

(09.01.12 @ 11:50 AM)

Aww! CONGRATULATIONS LAUREN!!! I'm so happy for you and your growing family!

(09.04.12 @ 08:36 AM)

Congratulations!!! What a blessing! I am so happy and excited for you.

(09.07.12 @ 05:53 PM)
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I went to Agra's first scrimmage last night with Solomon strapped on my hip and was able to take a few photos of the action. I need to get much better at anticipating where the action will be, but I am much better than I was back when I photographed the Texas Tech games 7 years ago. It is so much fun living in a small community where everyone waves at you when they drive by and people just stop by to say hello, this is the perfect place for us! More football photos coming in the future! 

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I know, his nails are hideous, he throws a fit when I try to file them and so it takes me a little longer to get around to enduring the fits about it than I should:)
I thought about it this morning and realized that I've slacked on photos of Solomon lately. His videos are still waiting to be processed, there are tons of birthday photos that I am trying to get too and I'm just plain too busy to get to them! I don't have much spare time for the computer to dilly dally on personal stuff, but today I bit the bullet and took some pictures of Solomon doing what he does every morning...

I also switched up the b/w processing and really like it!

Josh is officially a working man now and started inservice for his teaching/coaching job yesterday! I am so proud of him and really never thought that this day would come when he would be out of school and working. Thank you Josh and thank you Lord! I plan on using my new freedom to reinvent my photography style and spend more time with my little guy.

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He is the cutest! Love this black & white series of him!

(08.14.12 @ 09:52 PM)
April Burns:

Beautiful pictures!! I was just going to say that I clip my kiddos nails when they are asleep. It's the only way they will let me. I actually have a light on a headband thingy that I put on so that I can clip them at night! lol :)

(08.15.12 @ 08:26 AM)
Julie Birdseye:

LOVE these! So real-life!
As for his nails, I understand, filing took too long for me! I just use a small pair of nail clippers on my 1 yr old and it's pretty fast and easy!
Love the processing on these too! Looks like film.

(08.15.12 @ 11:25 PM)
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I just drove in from my double wedding weekend in Texas and made it in time to close on our new house! We are about to be really busy for about a week painting and unpacking the new house, so please be patient with me about emails and voicemails until next week when I will begin working again.

Tata for now! 

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Can't wait to see pictures of your new home! Good luck!

(08.02.12 @ 07:31 PM)
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