Hi Lauren, I spoke to you over the phone , and I am very interisting about your workshop, I am looking for as much information about how make my work stand up and have a great quality image on my sessions, I do love weddings and would love to only photography weddings in the future, recentely I have a friend and she had invited me to go together on the photo business what I am not so sure about, so I am looking on some investiment on my own skills first . I saw that I just lost your last workshop in July, do you have any more planed for the rest the year? I lived in Broken Arrow what I am vey happy that I qualify for the workshop , please let me know if I need another qualifications for the workshop ofer by you. Again, congratulations on your amaizing skills and may God continue to bless you and your family. Thank you, Valquirea
(07.24.12 @ 07:59 PM)Are these going to be on an Oklahoma farm like you mentioned on your Facebook?
(11.03.11 @ 09:51 AM)If I can get at least 3 people for each day then I will move it to the early 1900s schoolhouse on a farm 10 miles away from Stillwater, but if not then it will be at my house. We might go out and shoot at the farm regardless though!
(11.03.11 @ 12:32 PM)Hey Lauren! I mostly do portraits, but I do have a couple weddings booked for early next year. I'm interested in both sessions, but do you think it would be redundant to take both classes? If I do decide on both, is there a discount? :) Thanks!
(11.08.11 @ 09:30 AM)Yes! About half of the material would be redundant, the best thing to do would be to attend one of them and then do a one hour mentor session through Skype for the other information!
(11.08.11 @ 12:22 PM)Hi Lauren! I have 2 questions. First, has the Portrait Day filled up yet? Second, how much photography "education" should I have before taking this session? Thanks!
(11.16.11 @ 10:17 AM)Are there still stops open for the 21st?
(12.09.11 @ 02:38 PM)There sure are!
(12.11.11 @ 07:13 PM)Will you take people from Oklahoma City? It is farther than one hour but didn't know if that was too close.
(01.09.12 @ 12:35 PM)

Well dang, wish you had moved 15 minutes more south, then I could attend. At 51 minutes I still don't meet your hour criteria! Hope you get a good turn out! Congrats on Silas Alan!
(11.21.12 @ 01:28 PM)