Wow. It seems like it was last week that Solomon was born and at the same time it feels like a year ago. I've never been so keenly aware of time before I had him, now I watch the clock constantly and feel like I live my life in segments of three hours. He is still on the Babywise schedule, eating anywhere from 4-6 ounces every three hours and when he is awake I try my hardest to be in the moment with him, not focusing on anything else. I know that I will be mad at myself if I just lay him on the floor during those precious awake moments while I'm working on the computer and so my work has been moved to second place in my time management. I spend about 8 hours with Solomon while he is awake each day and 1 hour pumping (I'm exclusively pumping and bottle feeding him, it's way better for my schedule) and that only leave me with about 6 hours to get anything else done that I need to. This seems like adequate time, but oh my, it is not! I have about 3-4 hours of work a day on the computer, social time with friends, errands and husband time to fit in also. I don't get it all done each day, but I've learned to prioritize the most important things.
I've even turned away two sessions this week! That was something that was actually really easy to do. Before I had Solomon I would have booked every session that wanted me within a week's period and now I'm trying to only take 2 per week with 2 weddings on the books per month. It isn't ideal for making a lot of money, but I keep asking myself, money or memories and relationships? I used to let money rule out over the other, but not now, no way!
Solomon is about 12 pounds and 22 inches long now. That's a 5 pound and 3 inch gain in 8 weeks! He is outgrowing his 3 month clothes right now and moving into 3-6 month clothes, he has quite a circumference on his gut! He can smile on command almost everytime now, with something funny that Josh does where he sings "smile, smile, smile" over and over and when I say "Can you smile for momma?" real animated. He is falling into his routine effortlessly now and goes down for his naps like a champ. He is still waking every 45 minutes during his sleep, but it doesn't take him long to go back to sleep. We still have him on Prevacid for his Acid Reflux and it is AMAZING! He is a perfectly normal baby now. I'm hoping to wean him off of it within the next few months.
He is so very strong and he stands up on his own when I hold him on my tummy and I play this game where when I feel like he has his balance I let go and he stands on his own for a few seconds! It's really funny and he will probably be walking at 6 months with this rate!
Here he is with his monthly photo with his stuffed animals...
I love that little guy. So stinkin cute!
(08.24.11 @ 10:05 PM)