I found this awesome idea on Pinterest to make a photo album with your family's names across their photos to help your baby/child recognize your family! This will be especially helpful since we live far away from most of our family. I love Pinterest! I think I will read through this book with little Solomon each night before bedtime...
(I know, I need to repaint my nails)
How funny. I just saw this idea the other day too. I haven't started working on anything yet, but its on my to do list. My sister-in-law's mom made her daughters a little quilted beach ball looking thing with all the family members photo and names on it. It was pretty cool too!
(06.08.11 @ 04:58 PM)I did this with both my boys. It is a great way for facial recognizion. When my sosn were little they didnt see grandparents often enough...so when they DID see them, they smiled more and felt more at ease with them bc they had seen their faces "before". Its a great idea and you will benefit from it greatly (and so will Solomon!)
(06.08.11 @ 06:16 PM)great idea!
(06.09.11 @ 06:32 AM)love pinterest.
i'm guessing you saw the idea too: http://pinterest.com/pin/20113086/
Love it!!! You're SO close!! Need to catch up! Miss you all!
(06.10.11 @ 02:01 PM)