I just got back from my monthly trip to Lubbock, Texas to book sessions and visit family last night. I had such a good time shooting again! It seems like this never ending winter up here really shuts down the business, but I am looking forward to SPRING!!

I am getting quite a few inquiries for weddings lately and am excited about taking them again. I will start taking up to 2 per month from August of 2011-August of 2012. 

My plan will be to only take 1 per month after Josh starts his teaching job next Fall so that I can be as involved in my family and helping him grade papers as possible, so be sure to contact me as soon as you can if you want to have a spot!

This baby in my tummy is rumbling around like a circus! I will be 23 weeks this Friday (since they changed my due date) and am so excited to be able to SEE him moving around! Everyone in Lubbock that wanted to feel him move was able to and that was really great!

I will be featured in the OSU student newspaper tomorrow! That is pretty exciting!

Well tomorrow starts a post or two of sessions per day (I know, it's almost like I'm back from the dead!) and I will pull back in all of the personal posts for a while:)

I just got back from my monthly trip to Lubbock, Texas to book sessions and visit family last night. I had such a good time shooting again! It seems like this never ending winter up here really shuts down the business, but I am looking forward to SPRING!!

I am getting quite a few inquiries for weddings lately and am excited about taking them again. I will start taking up to 2 per month from August of 2011-August of 2012. 

My plan will be to only take 1 per month after Josh starts his teaching job next Fall so that I can be as involved in my family and helping him grade papers as possible, so be sure to contact me as soon as you can if you want to have a spot!

This baby in my tummy is rumbling around like a circus! I will be 23 weeks this Friday (since they changed my due date) and am so excited to be able to SEE him moving around! Everyone in Lubbock that wanted to feel him move was able to and that was really great!

I will be featured in the OSU student newspaper tomorrow! That is pretty exciting!

Well tomorrow starts a post or two of sessions per day (I know, it's almost like I'm back from the dead!) and I will pull back in all of the personal posts for a while:)


NO NO NO don't pull back on all of the personal posts!!! Those are my favorite. Okay I like your other ones too but boy oh boy I sure like the personal ones. Love to know whats going on with the house, the hubs, the BABY!!! Don't stop :)

(02.22.11 @ 10:41 AM)