2015 was an amazing year! It started off with a secret decision to move back home to Lubbock, Texas after a 5 year move out of state. We left Texas with a determination to grow up and I think those 5 years did the trick, we came home with 3 children and a whole lot more understanding about the world and ourselves.
My goal was to begin my 30th year with a renewed sense of who I was created to be and to finally come back into living true to myself and find balance in my life.
Of course it was a year of change as always!
– We moved from Kansas City, Missouri to Lubbock

– We celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary and 12th year in business
– The last of our three boys, Sam, was born on April 4th

– We bought my sister-in-law’s house in the heart of Lubbock and have big plans to remodel it
– My business started to boom this Fall (thank you Lubbock!) and I thrived in doing what I loved again
– I turned 30!

– I trained one of my best friends to be a second shooter at weddings and gained a new passion for my job

– Solomon started pre-k

– We joined a church and a new life group with so many amazing people
– I lost 55 pounds after having Sam (thank you Jesus!) and gave away all of my maternity clothes!

There were so many blessings and I am SO thankful for 2015! I think 2016 will be even better because I will seek balance, humility and greatness! I love life and feel like after 5 years away that I was slowly wilting and this year has brought me back to life and given me a new happiness!