I am wanting to branch out and start doing in home lifestyle sessions of families and to launch this new idea I am going to have a giveaway for 2 FREE sessions!
What is a lifestyle session?
Who is this type of session for?
Will you travel?
What do you do with these type photos?
What is the price for these lifestyle sessions?
Here is how to enter the contest:
I will choose the winners on Valentine’s Day!
Here is a slideshow of my latest session based on the things that the family never wants to forget about this time in their lives.
Kimbrough from Lauren Clark on Vimeo.
These lifestyle sessions are bringing me to LIFE! This is probably my new most inspiring way to shoot! The Kimbrough family allowed me to come into their home and document these precious moments when their daughter will be an only child for a few more weeks. Jalie is and incredibly talented makeup artist and hairstylist and her husband, Kade, has a successful pool business. These two create beautiful spaces and beautiful babies together! Here are a few things that they never want to forget about this time in their lives…
If you are interested in having me come to your home and document the things that you never want to forget about your children and your life, please contact me! info@laurenclarkphotography.com or 405-269-2861. Lifestyle sessions are $550 for the photoshoot and include 200-400 documentary styled images for you to print on your own. I am also offering an album session for $1225 with a 10×10 25 page album of the session and the 200-400 images to print from.
About 9 years ago I met these ladies through various photography workshops and we got together to create the first women only, luxury, photography workshop called Love Affair. We held our first on Bald Head Island in North Carolina where we coordinated almost a hundred women to come and stay in beach homes, fed them every meal made from scratch and taught just about everything we could on the topic of photography, business and family life balance. We had a big party at the end, stayed up with attendees each night and even hand delivered their suitcases to their beach houses… it was truly ground breaking (and back breaking!) in the photography industry. We went on to host them in Atlanta, San Diego and Dallas in the W Hotel chain over the following 2 years. I still call those the “glory days”.
Millie, Kelly, Davina and I haven’t got together in 5 years since our last workshop date and I have to admit, I was a little nervous! 5 years can really change a lot in someone’s life and I was crossing my fingers that we would all still get along. I was pleasantly surprised that although we were world’s different in where we were in life compared to 5 years ago, we were still very much the same people at our core. We ate great food, laughed, cried and then in typical fashion dove head long into helping each other come up with greater ways to improve their business and life. Yes, we talked about planning another workshop and then decided now was not the time:)
These girls will always have my heart, they care deeply and fully accept me with all of my quirks and flaws. Our personalities all compliment and challenge each other towards greatness in whatever we are aiming towards. I had a really great weekend away and came back with a new passion to be GREAT!
We have just uprooted from our hometown of Lubbock, Texas to move to Dripping Springs!
I am still taking sessions in BOTH locations as I travel back and forth to visit family. Follow my social media and subscribe to my newsletter for my latest travel dates.