Parent Life Lubbock

My story with Parent Life began in the summer of 2016. I had began to dream again and wrote a journal entry on inflow and outflow in my life. If I could serve with any type of ministry in Lubbock what would it be? I wrote down a teen pregnancy crisis center.

Within 30 minutes I had an email randomly sent to me about Parent Life. I dismissed it, but the name kept coming back up over the following week. I finally read the email and realized that it was a teen pregnancy support group. Wow. Coincidence or God? I believe it was God. I kept it in my heart and began to help our church home group serve a meal every six weeks, but knew that my calling to Parent Life was something greater than serving a meal. It took me 3 months to gather the courage to show up as a volunteer and have been a mentor mom every Tuesday night for a year and a half ever since. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Here is the interview that I sent over to Renee, the Parent Life Director, to help tell others the story and the nuts and bolts of what Parent Life does for the pregnant and parenting teens in the Lubbock area.


What is Parent Life?

Parent Life provides weekly support group meetings for pregnant and parenting teens. We currently meet on Tuesday nights from 6-8pm. Free childcare is available during group meetings. Dinner is also provided for teens and their babies at Parent Life group.

Parent Life also has a Baby Boutique. Enrolled parents can earn points called Baby Bucks to buy things they need for their children in our Baby Boutique. Parents will also receive a pack of diapers each week as an incentive to attend the group meeting and stay the whole time.

We host 4 baby showers a year for babies due or born during that season. Each family is blessed with a laundry basket full of new baby items. When a Parent Life teen has a baby, we visit her in the hospital and also set up a meal train for her when she and the baby get home. Parent Life is working in 4 area schools leading parenting and life skills classes on campus for both teen moms and dads. Future projects in the works through Parent Life are a leaders in training (LIT) program for parents who have aged out of our program and are ready to learn how to give back to teens coming up through the program. We are also working on a partnership with several other Texas Youth for Christ ministries to take our teens to an annual camp or retreat.


Why is there a need for this ministry in Lubbock?

While they may have access to medical or economic assistance, most teen parents feel disengaged, forgotten, and judged. Intentional friendships in a safe and welcoming environment with authentic, Christ-sharing adults create an atmosphere of acceptance in which teen parents’ lives are transformed. The Parent Life ministry has been effective in helping teen parents overcome many of the statistics associated with teen pregnancy such as low graduation rates and a higher likelihood of abuse and neglect. As a pro-life ministry, we also believe that being pro-life means more than just asking a young woman to give birth to her baby. It means being willing to walk with that mom through the joys, trials and mess of motherhood helping her to be the best mom she can be.


What drew you to start this type of ministry?

I felt God calling me to start the Parent Life ministry in Lubbock after learning of the extremely high teen pregnancy rate in the area. Having recently had a baby myself I knew how hard being a new parent was…even as an adult with a husband, good jobs and supportive family. I couldn’t imagine how hard it must be at 15 with no support or guidance. Statistics say the younger a parent is and the less resources available to them, the higher the likelihood of abuse and neglect occurring. God placed a strong desire in my heart to reach out to these young moms and dads with support, encouragement, education, resources and most of all, the unconditional love of God. I also felt led to begin advocating for the idea that being pro-life meant more than asking a girl to choose life for her baby. Rather, it meant that if that girl chose to give birth to her baby, then she would need a community of people to stand beside her and guide her as she raised that baby. And what better community than the body of Christ?

Parent Life Lubbock started with 5 teen moms at our first meeting in 2007. Since then, hundreds of teen moms and dads and their children have found hope, love, grace, and a place to start over by walking through our doors.


How long has Parent Life been in Lubbock?

We just celebrated our 10th year in September 2017!


What is the greatest need for the ministry that outsiders can help with?

Our biggest need is consistent financial support. We are a small ministry and are often overlooked by big grants and businesses. Instead we rely on committed individuals who partner with us financially each month to ensure the growth and sustainability of Parent Life. Partners can give any amount they feel led to give. Every dollar makes a difference in the life of a teen parent and their child. Donations can be made online: or by text to give at 806-370-3390.



What are the volunteer opportunities and the time commitments for helping?

We depend on the involvement of caring adults to accomplish our mission—to reach local teens with the message that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. We are asking God to raise up an army of caring adults who will establish relationships with kids in the Lubbock Area. We need volunteers who will serve directly with students as mentor moms and dads, intercessors, finanical partners, childcare during our weekly meetings, meals provided for our weekly meetings, meals train volunteers for when new moms have their babies, volunteers for special events like our quarterly baby showers or help in the office and baby boutique. Wherever your gifts and talents lie, you can make an eternal difference in a young person’s life.



What is the biggest obstacle you have to overcome while running Parent Life?

Honestly, helping the church community understand why this ministry is so important. Many times we find people are afraid to be seen as “supporting teen pregnancy” by getting involved in the Parent Life ministry. The truth is that teens are having babies. Who better than the church to come alongside them and love them through the mess of life and parenting?


What kind of environment and culture do you create for these teens and their children?

Parent Life has become a second home to our young families. The Parent Life ministry’s holistic approach allows staff and volunteers to work towards meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of teen parents and their children.

As one of our teen moms puts it: “Parent Life is a place where others actually understand you. A place to be heard and to be at peace from whatever you’re going through, have a laugh, and make new friends. I’ve learned the greatest things from Parent life, from how to parent my baby, how to get along with my significant other and how to put a smile on my face when I’m feeling low. It’s a great place for young parents to hang out and learn new things WITHOUT judgement. I’m so glad that my friend introduced me to Parent Life.”


How many kids are impacted by Parent Life each year?

We typically see around 100-150 teen parents each year. This includes both moms and dads. Our young fathers program has taken off significantly over the last couple of years and we now have a great group of guys who come with or without their baby’s mother! Teens can stay in our program until they turn 21 and then they age out. So depending on how young they are when they start, we often have the privilege of really walking through life with them into young adulthood.



What is your favorite story from doing this type of ministry?

I have a lot of favorite stories, but one of the most meaningful ones has been my journey with Devin and Mike who are now on staff with us. Devin was one of my very first teens involved in the Parent Life ministry back in 2007. God allowed me the honor of being a part of her life through many ups an downs. It wasn’t easy and to be honest, there were a lot of painful parts of our journey together. But God is faithful. Devin found a relationship with Christ because of Parent Life and the people who poured into her here. She and Mike eventually got married (at the Parent Life ministry center!) She even wore my wedding veil as she walked down the aisle! She had truly become like a daughter to me. Over the course of several more years, God continued to work in both Devin and Mike and began to call them into full time ministry with me at Parent Life! They are now on staff and leading teens who are walking the road they once walked!


Tell us about the people in leadership at Parent Life.

Our staff includes me, our area director, Devin Vergara, my assistant director and Mike Vergara, our young fathers program coordinator. Our team includes a group of 15 volunteer mentor moms and dads and 5-7 nursery volunteers. We also have volunteers who help outside of group and behind the scenes.


What is the scripture that keeps you going when things get tough?

My mentor in ministry shared this verse with me when I first began working with Youth for Christ 16 years ago and it has stayed in my heart ever since, encouraging me not to give up:

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” I Corinthians 15:58



What would you want a new volunteer to know before coming to Parent Life?

Parent Life is not an easy ministry. There are no quick fixes or simple solutions. Our teens are dealing with so much hurt and mess in their lives. Sometimes it can be overwhelming. But when we are willing to allow God to use us to be his hands and feet to the hurting and vulnerable, He can do great things…not just in the lives of those we work with, but in our own lives as well!


What are the most impactful events that you have done inside of Parent Life?

We do several big fun events like our quarterly baby showers and our Mother’s Day celebration, but honestly the most impactful times are not during big events. The most meaningful and impactful times happen during small groups during our regular weekly group meetings and one on one between mentors and their mentees outside of group. This is a time where our teens can really open up and talk about what they are struggling with, ask for prayer and encourage one another.

Another really significant event we recently held was our first retreat. Taking our teens away from he chaos of their world for just two days and helping them encounter God in a way they never had before was so powerful to witness.


How can the local church help?

Volunteer. Support our ministry financially. Connect us to teen parents in your church. Be a safe and welcoming place for teen parents who are seeking a church community that we can plug them into. Advocate with us for being more than pro-baby but fully pro-LIFE. Pray for us regularly.


If this non-profit ministry interests you, feel free to text me for more info! 405-269-2861 or contact Renee directly through the Facebook group HERE.

Inflow and Outflow

I’ve been actively learning how to cultivate a beautiful life that is lived on purpose. It’s taken me about 6 years to face my feelings and emotions that were keeping me stuck. Instead I was just trying to “pull myself up by the bootstraps and keep moving forward”. I was a champion at that lifestyle. I would begin to crash and burn emotionally and then say to myself, “NOPE! Get back up, keep moving, keep pressing on!” and I would suppress it all again. That lifestyle gave me so many incredible gifts- grit, perseverance and the ability to do hard things when I didn’t “feel” like it.

The one thing it didn’t give me was wholehearted freedom. I had to actually FEEL what I had been suppressing for decades in order for it to lose its grip on my life. I have always been a striver. A worker bee. Motivated by an inner belief that if I could just do enough for God that He would miraculously take away the sadness I was hiding. I always followed the Bible as closely as I could, yet none of the joy, compassion and kindness flowed from the heart. It only flowed from duty.

After some rigorous emotional health work, my heart and emotions are now in sync with my brain and can I tell you how freeing and life giving that is? To believe it with your mind and it also be completely true from the heart and emotions. To experience both grief and exponential joy.

Through this journey I have learned that a healthy life has inflow and outflow. We are to be like a river- with a source of water moving through our lives- not a stagnant pond that grows algae and stinks. We are to connect to a source larger than ourselves and freely give to others in the same way we are given to. Free and tangible love, compassion and forgiveness.


Inflow and outflow.

Because of this, I wanted to create a space on my blog where I bring awareness to the places in Lubbock that you can partner with and use your gifting and strengths to have an “outflow” also. To give you the opportunity that can open your heart space and create more meaning in your own life and in the lives of others. To be the connector between ministries and a massive group of people who may be interested in joining the cause.

I plan to showcase 1-2 non-profit ministries in Lubbock on my blog monthly. You can come here and get to know the many different hidden gems that are helping the people who need it the most.

I read something that Bob Goff had written once, “Jesus wants us to find the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, the naked, the strange, and those in jail and love them.”

It was really profound to me how simple loving others can be when we look for those who need help. Real help. Tangible, spiritual and emotional help. When we stop to love the one that God puts in front of us then we can truly change the world.

I hope that this category on my blog will help you to find a cause that deeply resonates within your heart and that your put your money, your time and your love into helping others through it. Find what God is doing around this town and get behind it!

When I was 12 I began to write an autobiography that i titled,

"Lauren Lee, a horse of a different color".



From childhood Self discovery, storytelling and curiosity have always been the foundations of my heart.



The exploration of everything in life has always allured me farther and farther into risk, creativity and wonder. I have always been one to swim up stream and carve out a life that was a little bit unique from the status quo.



I harness all of these gifts and brings them to you through my photography experience. My keen eye for uncommon beauty, fearless sense of adventure and strong willed endurance and optimism provide you with the best possible photos.



Seemingly Effortlessly.




I hope you enjoy the colorful photos, stories and adventures that i share with you!


We have just uprooted from our hometown of Lubbock, Texas to move to Dripping Springs!


I am still taking sessions in BOTH locations as I travel back and forth to visit family. Follow my social media and subscribe to my newsletter for my latest travel dates.


