Miss Megan’s family lifestyle

Ross Family from Lauren Clark on Vimeo.

I met Megan at her art studio, Miss Megan’s Make Room, in the heart of Lubbock a few months ago. Her creativity, spunk and knowledge of teaching children about art was so captivating to me. I was so excited to do a lifestyle session for her family! If you are interested in art classes for you kids in Lubbock then check her out HERE!!


My trip to North Carolina

“Josh. I just need a vacation!!” I said this at the end of August after a long summer working from home without extra childcare for my three boys. The work and keeping them entertained was massively draining and I just needed some sort of short adventure to refill my tank.

Two weeks later Millie contacted me and asked if I would fly to NC to photograph her adoption ceremony.

“Y E S!!!”

“Millie, all I want to do is see the beach. Just take me to the beach. All I need is to see it and smell it for 30 minutes… and put my feet in it.”

Millie drove 30 minutes out of her way to get me to Top Sail Beach, NC after her longest day ever shooting a lifestyle session, prepping for and traveling to Jacksonville for her son’s highly anticipated adoption and then celebrating at a restaurant with her friends. She is definitely a giver. When we finally arrived ALL the beach accesses were closed from Hurricane Florence’s destruction. We drove a little further and they were still closed. I couldn’t turn around there, I still had to see it.

I climbed right under the rickety wooden stairs that were closed and climbed up the dune. I was stunned. It looked like the scene of a movie. Wooden railings tossed around like litter. The walkways were ripped from their landing place and were broken off into a 10 foot fall to the flat sand beneath. It was a cliff. I stood there for 2 minutes observing the destruction and trying to concentrate on the beautiful ocean. The eye-wall had landed right where I was standing and it was a terrible sight. I kept wondering how long it would take them to rebuild this place.

I went back down looking both ways and hoping that no one would see me and scold me for trespassing and taking a look.

Millie, God bless her, told me she would wake up at 6 AM and drive me to Wrightsville Beach before my flight. She got up after her exhausting and exhilarating adoption day and drove me to the ocean again. This time we got what we had hoped for!

My soul was recharged in mere minutes of running around the sandy beaches and splashing in the ocean. Thanks Millie, you made my dreams come true.




Millie Holloman Lifestyle

Millie Holloman Lifestyle from Lauren Clark on Vimeo.


Millie and I met in the foyer of a NYC hotel back in 2007 when we both attended Jessica Claire’s Xtreme! photography workshop. She and I became instant friends. We would meet up at other workshops across the country and eventually teamed up with Kelly Moore and Davina Fear to host the Love Affair Workshop in Bald Head Island, NC, Atlanta, San Diego and Dallas! We try to get together once a year to keep up with each other.


A month or two ago Millie contacted me to ask about flying my to Wilmington, NC to photograph her son’s adoption ceremony on his third birthday. This tired momma needed a creative vacation, even if it was only for 30 hours, I said YES!!! As we talked more about it we saw the impending doom of Wilmington with Hurricane Florence. I would watch the NC forecast and youtube updates on the hurricane for the week up to the eye hitting Top Sail beach, NC less than a week before I was supposed to fly there.


Then entire area was getting flooded by Flo. Millie was unsure if her adoption ceremony would still even happen. The day before my flight she told me to come ahead the next morning and fly anyways and we would just pray that everything was still on. To her amazement the county courthouse was able to schedule her ceremony in a different place and everything was still on after the previous place was completely underwater.


I was able to do a lifestyle session for her and her two adopted kiddos in her new house also! Millie has incredible style and a deep, deep love for the babies that she fostered and has now officially adopted!



Holloman Lifestyle session

Brent and Amanda Holloman from Lauren Clark on Vimeo.


Meet Brent and Amanda. I could go on forever about how cool these two are, but time is ticking before I have to pick up the kids from school so I’ll leave you with this…

They are both a part of Beta Radio, an up and coming band from North Carolina. Brent is also my amazing graphic designer (he made my hand lettered logo). Enjoy these photos from their amazing in-home lifestyle session!



My most embarrassing moment…

Have you ever confidently taken risks and then fell flat on your face? Yeah. That’s basically the story of my life…




I had read “Lady in Waiting” and “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” in high school, but had been self-proclaimed boy crazy since the first time I had laid eyes on Joseph Lauderdale in Kindergarten. I would chase this poor boy around the playground trying to kiss him at every recess. Boys RAN from me all day every day… and I chased them with glee! I even got married to him under the back tree in first grade once and a fight broke out during the ceremony- but that’s a story for another day!


So Yes. My dad was always worried about me as I got closer to adolescence.


Rightly so.


I was pulled out of public school in 6th grade to be homeschooled because I would leave home with knee-length, jean shorts and roll them up 8 times when I got to school to see my “bad boy” sophomore crush. I had the mouth of a sailor at school and was notorious among the middle school teachers for being a typical Baptist preacher’s kid. So the following story is not a surprise to how I operated around boys… I guess I’ve always been a “go-getter”!


Fast forward to freshmen year while in Oklahoma visiting a friend, early 2000…

“Hi. I’ve never met you before…I’m Josh Clark!”

I had seen this boy’s photo on my friend’s night stand for a year. I couldn’t figure out why they weren’t a couple, because she was gorgeous and he was gorgeous, so I thought I would throw myself into the picture and give it a go.

I walked right up to him and stuck my hand out for a friendly handshake and I introduced myself to him…as himself.

I thought I was a lot smoother than that. I thought I had grown more sophisticated in my boy craze- apparently not.

I realized my blunder as the words stumbled out of my mouth and turned beet red. I’m pretty sure I started sweating within a millisecond of saying his name. He grabbed my hand in his as if to say “bless your heart” and it sputtered out before he could say anything, “NO! I’m LAUREN, YOU’RE JOSH!”.

The very fact that this courtship believing, Bible thumping, freshmen in high school’s hands were being held by the hottest guy I’d ever seen was enough to make me faint right there on the spot! I couldn’t stand the tension and embarrassment and I immediately ran back into the house and hid with the three year old twins in shame until he left an hour later.

And that was that. Our first introduction.


I had ruined my chance with him. Or so I thought.

Never again could I face Stillwater’s star athlete with that gorgeous face with confidence when I went back to Oklahoma to visit my friend. But what I did have was bragging rights to a new, blunderous, most embarrassing moment, a story I told over and over for years in high school.


It’s a wonder that I had the courage to try again when I was 18 and he had just moved to Lubbock. I had worked out a few, not many, of my quirks and had a little more finesse than when I was 15.

My mom and I visited a hip, new coffee shop that was owned by Josh’s sister called Sugar Brown’s that December and my mom leaned over the checkout counter and said, “You know, Lauren just broke up with her boyfriend…”

I was a little excited knowing that Josh was in town… and that his sister had told me he was single himself and would be working that night.

I began putting another plan into action.

I called all of the girls in my bible study group and changed the meeting place from a friend’s house to Sugar Brown’s coffee shop that night. The whole night I was swinging glances at him and not paying attention to our book study.

Once we were almost finished I noticed Josh was leaving his shift. He hesitated as he was nearing the door and then looked at me and waved goodbye.


That’s all I needed, friends. GREEN LIGHT!


I pushed that chair away immediately, which made a REALLY loud noise, and walked over to him at the door.


“Want to see my Great Dane puppy?”

“Uh. Sure. Where is it?”

“In my car”

I used my puppy as bait. Yes I did.

“So we should hang out sometime.”

“With ME?”

“YES! You’re the only person in the parking lot, Josh!”


I was much smoother, much bolder, much better at this go getter stuff than when I was 15. What can I say? I knew what I wanted and hadn’t messed up my mental script this time!

I had lined up 3 dates for the following week with random guys (I guess I threw out the book – I Kissed Dating Goodbye!) and pushed Josh to the front of the line.

He went with me to the annual SPPPA Christmas party that next night and what would you know, he showed up wearing the EXACT same thing I did. That tells you more about my fashion sense than anything. Black pants, a blue button down and a black vest over it. We matched shade for shade- except the vest. I looked like I was going to be a waiter at a country club, and probably should have been nominated for the hit TV show, What Not To Wear.


BUT He liked me…vest and all.


I canceled all of my other dates the next morning and we were with each other every day until we were married 7 months later at the ripe age of 19 and 21.

And what do you know, we have been married for over 13 years now! I bought laurenclarkphotography.com 2 months after we started dating. #whenyouknowyouknow The go-getter in me still hasn’t died and I’ve fought tooth and nail for the things I love and believe in. Marriage being one of those things.

Do you have a most embarrassing moment that really shows your personality quirks? I would LOVE to hear it! Feel free to email me back with yours’!





When I was 12 I began to write an autobiography that i titled,

"Lauren Lee, a horse of a different color".



From childhood Self discovery, storytelling and curiosity have always been the foundations of my heart.



The exploration of everything in life has always allured me farther and farther into risk, creativity and wonder. I have always been one to swim up stream and carve out a life that was a little bit unique from the status quo.



I harness all of these gifts and brings them to you through my photography experience. My keen eye for uncommon beauty, fearless sense of adventure and strong willed endurance and optimism provide you with the best possible photos.



Seemingly Effortlessly.




I hope you enjoy the colorful photos, stories and adventures that i share with you!


We have just uprooted from our hometown of Lubbock, Texas to move to Dripping Springs!


I am still taking sessions in BOTH locations as I travel back and forth to visit family. Follow my social media and subscribe to my newsletter for my latest travel dates.


