The Giles Family | Lubbock Family Photographer

Tonight’s session was wonderful! Chelsea and John met me at a new spot at Dunbar Lake in Lubbock where I found the prettiest light and it was up farther away from the water (and away from the dreaded mosquito zone).

When I think back to my first memory of these two I remember them coming over to my house for Bible studies when my dad was a pastor. A whole group of them would come from Abilene Christian to hear my dad speak on surrendering everything to Christ. I loved meeting all of them and was inspired by their group.

A few years later Chelsea second shot a wedding with me in the Texas Hill Country and on our way home we saw a brown sign for Indian Pictographs in Paint Rock, Texas. I slammed on the breaks as she called John to see if we could arrive home in Lubbock an hour later than normal and we made a u-turn into one of the funniest experiences.

An older gentleman met us on the road and we bought a ticket and he drove us around his property in a golf cart showing us the whereabouts of the Indian pictographs that were on his rock ravine wall. I am glad that she obliged my spur of the moment adventure so that we could make that memory together (she told me tonight she’s an Enneagram 9).

Their kids were so adorable and sweet. River and Rylynn were giving me great silly faces and enjoying the time with their sweet parents tickling and hugging on them.

John is a fellow 7w8 on the Enneagram and has recently created a successful startup with his creation- The Dome Dock. It is a reinvented hat rack! You’ve got to see it (and buy one from him).

Here is a fun outtake from the session! You’ve got to love all of the tired faces, being in a family photo session is HARD work!

At the very end Rylynn wanted to take a photo so I asked her to take one of Chelsea and I. Thanks, Ry! You’re a pro!

Milton Reimer’s Ranch

I wanted to start a new category on my blog for Texas Hill Country adventures! I have a high value for nature, adventure and family fun and what more perfect way to show you all of the amazing places YOU should check out when you travel down to Dripping Springs for a photo session with me. 🙂

I had never heard of Milton Reimer’s Ranch before. When we were visiting Wanderin Star Farms for the first time during COVID my sister in law told me that it was opening to the public and was free for a few months to help people get outside and work on their mental and physical health after 6 weeks of sheltering in place in Travis County.

There were only two parks in that area that were opening due to the shelter in place orders and so we gave it a try.

Boy oh boy was I NOT disappointed.

There are several things to do at Reimer’s: horse back riding trails, mountain biking trails, swimming in the river, hiking, boulder jumping and rock climbing.

I took my boys down into the Climber’s Canyon and I just could not believe what I was seeing. It was incredible and NO ONE was there! We just got to climb, explore the little caves, and walk down the short trail to the river.

On the way down you run into several small pools of water, trickling water falls, lush ferns and huge trees. It felt like Fernguli!

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately…”
― Henry David Thoreau

The boys were just as excited as I was while we explored each little trail, looking out for water moccasins and poison ivy.

We found the trail that loops all the way to the swimming area and ran into a huge boulder. We later passed by a group of high school boys who climbed it and they were jumping 20-30 feet off of it into the river. YIKES and COOL!!

When we reached the pebbly beach the kids stripped down to their shorts and started wading in. Silas looked like a Salmon swimming up stream as he kept diving his head under the fast and frigid current.

The park is breathtaking and filled with wildflowers this time of year. If you are near Dripping Springs, Texas and want to take a fun little day trip to Reimer’s Ranch then we give it 5 STARS!!

The Torrez Family | Wimberley Family Photographer

Where do I start with the Torrez family?

I met Paul and Heather at my sister-in-law’s house when I was first married and the only thing I remember about them was that Heather was in medical school and Paul would always be talking about being an “O.G. vato” from California. I can still hear the voice he would say it in.

Now they have a homestead acreage and 3 beautiful kids.

I was thrilled when I pulled up to their farm near River Road in Wimberley to photograph their family. I had no idea what I was about to see, but everything was a dream. There were baby animals everywhere, homemade bug houses, a gorgeous green house, a beautiful fenced in garden and this adorable boy with a nose bleed.

We wandered around their property and I ewwed and ahhhd over the farm animals and puppies. It was like a life out of a fairy tale.

They took me on a golf cart ride down to the end of their country road and they showed me a beautiful view of the Texas hills. I knew exactly where I wanted them to stand… but Jude, their middle child, wasn’t having any of it.

I knew I could eventually win him over to give me some smiles and boy was I happy when he did!! I always appreciate when I have a kid who isn’t into the photo session because it becomes my challenge to win them over and showcase who they really are behind their pretense.

*Mission accomplished*

Paul is a fishing river guide in the area and took me down to their private river access and I was in HEAVEN. The water is my favorite. I could swim, kayak, snorkel, boogie board or be on a boat forever and never grow tired of it. So when we got down to this gorgeous section of the river in Wimberley I just couldn’t take it all in. I was so excited.

I stepped in without my shoes knowing that if I slipped and my camera fell in that it would be one expensive shot… but I was willing to risk it. That mossy slime wouldn’t stop me from getting splashed by Nico!

Jude finally let me know he trusted me when he invited me to come and take his photo while he was sinking in “quicksand” at the edge of the river.

I had such a wonderful time photographing the Torrez family and seeing all of the wonderful diversity of their lives out on their land. I am so grateful that God held the rain off until the very end, too!

The Brashier Family | Lubbock Family Photographer

Labradors, West Texas wind, and toddlers? No problem!!

I had the pleasure of photographing the Brashier family tonight at their event center, Eberley Brooks Events, in Lubbock, Texas.

I met Misty at church at Redeemer when we moved back to Lubbock five years ago… wait hold up… let me go even farther back…

Misty’s mom was one of my mentors at Wolfforth’s First Baptist Church Apples of Gold ministry. I remember Laurie Cotten baking goodies each week along with her friends as they walked a group of young, starry-eyed, newlywed wives through the process of becoming great women that cultivate great marriages. I still hold tightly to Tina Wright’s apple cake recipe from that group almost 15 years later.

Misty and her family had a dream of creating Lubbock’s first luxury wedding venue experience and my oh my have they succeeded! Last year they built the second phase of the property when they designed the Sage Chapel and the Salle De David to neighbor the beautiful event barn next door.

Misty is one of those women who you want in your circle. She and I used to meet for coffee at 6 a.m. to talk about our faith and get to know each other since it was the only time we were available while juggling businesses, families and babies. I loved meeting with her. Finding friends who are true inspirations are a rare treasure.

We fought the wind, the rowdy pups and young kids who were an hour past their bedtime, but I am so happy with all of the beautiful images we got through the process!

If you are looking for a stunning venue for your gathering or wedding in West Texas then look no further than Eberley Brooks Events!

The Authement Family | Wimberley Family Photographer

This blue barn has been one of my favorite places since my Aunt Bren, who owns Kiss The Cook – a specialty kitchen store on the square in Wimberley, Texas, took us there on one of our trips to the Texas hill country while I was in high school.

This flower farm is owned by The Arnosky Family and they actually grow their own flowers on this property and several others and sell them to HEB for their fresh cut bouquets.

So when I had the opportunity to photograph this beautiful Wimberley family, The Authements, I knew this is where I wanted to meet!

I was in photographer’s heaven the entire time! There was hardly anyone there, the glow of the sunset was beginning to set right above the rolling Texas mountain to the west and the flowers were blooming big and beautiful.

This family was…. precious! Ashley is a specialty baker and her husband, Bob, is a lawyer in Austin. Their sons love hunting bugs and lizards and researching dinosaur bones.

We walked around the farm exploring all of the beautiful structures while trying to avoid the deeper grass because of CHIGGERS! I have a lot to learn about the bug situation down near Austin. I’m not used to the humidity, the snakes, the chiggers and ticks!

When the sunset was dipping further down I channeled my inner Joy Prouty to get some of this incredible rainbow flare. It was only momentary magic and I am so glad that I kept shooting and moving angles to get the perfect shot!

If you would love to book a family session with me in the Wimberley area I would LOVE to work with you! You can email me at or text/call me at 405-269-2861 to get it scheduled. We will be moving there in August and I will be dropping down there a few more times before we move and could schedule you during those trips also.

Arnosky Family Farms


It’s almost June and it feels like this year has been a decade long already. You’ve got to know that feeling too…

When I was prepping for my 2020 New Year’s resolutions in December I decided to make a Pinterest board of my dream life to make it easier to imagine. I wanted to fill it with scenery, ideas, images and quotes that best described the life I wanted to cultivate in 2020. My son snuck into our room and even changed our letter board from a quote I had placed on it to one that he saw at school “Your future is bright, I see it with 2020 vision”. 

But the next few months did not seem to be so bright and to be honest, my life felt like it was a purse that was violently dumped and shaken out onto the floor. Everything fell out and and nothing was left in its place. 

I sat quietly for a few weeks trying to process all of the change all at once. Praying, journaling, and seeking counsel. 

But sometimes that kind of shaking can lead to new opportunities that you would have otherwise never encountered or chosen from a place of safety.

This is a screen shot of part of my 2020 vision board… it’s full of nature, adventure and beauty.

This Covid season has brought many challenges to my family, but God kept whispering “I’m in this. Walk confidently” and another time I felt like I had a knowing of “Your season is changing, be ready”.

I obviously thought that the season changing was understood to be covid challenges, homeschooling, weddings canceling and not being able to carry on with life as usual, but I would later realize there was more to it than even that.

My husband resigned from his job 3 days before COVID hit the U.S.

Things dominoed pretty quickly and we had no idea that it would slam the economy, job opportunities, and a booming photography season to a screeching halt. 

Prayer.  We were living on prayer.

God answered in ways that were unfamiliar to us. Many of these ways were quietly written in my journal of God’s faithfulness. 

One afternoon I got into my husband’s truck to pull it around the corner and the only clip of a song that came on the radio was “And when my circumstance leaves me with empty hands, you are the provider of my needs.”. I felt that same knowing there too. 

More fear. More prayer. More surrender.

A few weeks later Josh got the opportunity to head down to his sister’s incredible AirBNB farm, Wanderin Star Farms, in Dripping Springs, Texas to work for a few weeks. The kids and I followed shortly after and my weak and crushed heart began to come back to life in the beauty of nature, in the cold rushing water of the rivers and the healing sound of cousins running around and laughing. I had no idea what the cost of quarantine, social distancing, stress and complete annihilation of my life had actually done to my heart. 

I spent several evenings plopped under the stars praying, questioning, asking and crying out to God for answers. 

That’s when we began to consider and ponder. 

Is this shaking an opportunity in disguise? Where is God in this? He has not abandoned me, so He must be walking with me guiding and providing for me. 

Doors in Lubbock continued to remain shut when I felt like banging them down by force. 

Was this a chance to grab ahold of the dreams of our heart? To live and work near beauty, to raise our kids near a family farm where they hunt snakes with cousins, climb boulders, stargaze and explore endless acres of creation? A place for me to photograph in endless beauty?

I felt more fear than I’m willing to admit, but slowly the possibilities and lifestyle that I had hoped for began to glimmer in front of me. Then I remembered my dream life board that I had made months earlier was filled with wildflowers, rivers, hiking, exploring and nature. 

So we prayed more. 

God kept opening little doors one step at a time and confirming each new one in the weirdest of ways. So I took another trembling step towards surrender and away from fear.

Sometimes an unexpected unhinging of everything leads to an acceleration of your dreams.

After weeks of talking it over we took a family vote. 

All 5 of us voted to relocate to Dripping Springs, Texas in August. 

A few months ago I remember Josh asking me if I would ever want to move again and I said, “I wouldn’t say never, because I have no idea what will happen in the future.” Before when someone would ask me that I would immediately say “No, we will be in Lubbock for forever. I’m done moving!” It was weird to remember how my heart was turning towards surrender even then.

What does it look like for you to pursue the life you want and take a leap of faith when you feel like you are stepping off a cliff into the unknown?

That’s what this feels like. There is both fear and doubt, but also an incredible sense of taking the reins on life and risking big to create the life we want for our family and our children.

Small living with BIG adventure and BIG impact. 

So there it is. I wrote it and hit submit.

We are moving. 

What does this mean for my clients in West Texas? I will be here until August and then will continue to come back every other month to book sessions to serve this area, but will also begin building my business and connections down in the Dripping Springs, Austin, Wimberley, New Braunfels, Fredericksburg area.

I will book a wedding here anytime of the year since I can stay with family. 

Lubbock will always have a piece of my heart, but now we feel like God is calling us into a new and different season for our family. 

Do you have a story of when you stepped out in faith in a way similar to me?

I would love to hear it!

Feel free to write me back from this email to share with me. I would be so grateful to see how you took a risk and what you learned and experienced. 

When I was 12 I began to write an autobiography that i titled,

"Lauren Lee, a horse of a different color".



From childhood Self discovery, storytelling and curiosity have always been the foundations of my heart.



The exploration of everything in life has always allured me farther and farther into risk, creativity and wonder. I have always been one to swim up stream and carve out a life that was a little bit unique from the status quo.



I harness all of these gifts and brings them to you through my photography experience. My keen eye for uncommon beauty, fearless sense of adventure and strong willed endurance and optimism provide you with the best possible photos.



Seemingly Effortlessly.




I hope you enjoy the colorful photos, stories and adventures that i share with you!


We have just uprooted from our hometown of Lubbock, Texas to move to Dripping Springs!


I am still taking sessions in BOTH locations as I travel back and forth to visit family. Follow my social media and subscribe to my newsletter for my latest travel dates.


