Oh Jacob’s Well!!! I have waited years to come to thee!
After we decided to commit to moving to Dripping Springs I began watching the local swimming hole reservation websites like a hawk. Covid shut them all down for a while and I felt like I was waiting for some huge sale at my favorite store to drop at midnight and kept hitting the refresh button over and over.
And then finally… I got a spot and it was all I imagined it to be!
Visitors can come and explore the area for free, but swimmers must have a spot reserved and it is monitored by a park employee down at the water. They give you a waterproof stamp with the time slot you reserved when you arrive and you are free to swim, jump and explore in the water for 2 hours.
With COVID happening they reduced their reservations to 50% which was so nice! There were only 30 people total in our 2 hour swimming group.
When you get to the main well area it looks a lot smaller than you remember from Pinterest and Instagram photos at only 12 feet across, but it isn’t small on fun!
You have to squeeze through this tiny little rock stairwell to get to the jumping boulders and then can choose which level you feel most comfortable jumping from into the deep, cold abyss. The water is a constant 68 degrees and is completely refreshing on a hot Texas day.
The rest of the river area is either very pebbly (bring water shoes) or glossed over with slime and you will just ski along the bottom hoping you don’t fall in. The water is very shallow other than the 30 foot deep well (that actually goes down another 100 feet deep in its’ thousands of feet long underwater caving system).
Here is a cool youtube video if you want to see the underwater caves!
After our time was up we walked along the dry creek trail and the kids explored a few caves and found some fossils in the rocks. It was a 10/10 experience for us all and we’ve already booked our second trip for the summer at the end of August.
If you are considering going you can reserve your spot for only $5-$9/person here!
Cheers to our NEXT Texas Hill Country adventure!!