I had the pleasure of driving out to Webberville, Texas to photograph the Dahl family on Sunday night.
I first heard Seth’s name a few years ago when my pastor was telling me about his children’s curriculum and books. I did a quick Youtube search on him, watched the featured video that shared his testimony and then headed off to purchase all of the things he had published.
I was excited to dive into his family culture book called Arrows, but before I could read it our pesky dog, Raider, shredded the corners and ate off most of the words on the top pages. I was so frustrated because Raider, our GSP-Dane mix with severe separation anxiety, was averaging $50 a day in chew damage at that point. I sheepishly messaged Seth on his Instagram and he quickly replaced the book free of charge… and then he posted the photo of Raider on his Instagram.
I felt famous.
Well, doggie famous anyway.
My husband actually ran into Seth at a food truck in Austin two weeks ago, which was totally random! We had spent our January evenings watching Seth and Lauren’s e-course on their parenting book, Win-Win Parenting, and Josh recognized his three arrow tattoos on his arm when he was standing behind him at the BBQ place. It was quite the coincidence!
When I pulled up to their home outside of Austin I was really excited to meet them! They had a beautiful farm with chickens, 2 horses, 2 giant dogs, a kitten, bee hives and a dairy cow.
Lauren’s horse, Gus, was VERY friendly! He decided to come and see why on earth I was sitting down in his pasture with a giant camera bag and no treats!
The humidity began to drop on us like a wet blanket around 7:30 and we were sweating like crazy. I am not used to this level of water in the air! The kids were champs though and just kept playing for me.
August was quite the acrobat!
Lauren has the most interesting instagram stories where she explains everything from taking care of her farm animals, how to make butter from fresh milk and how to keep bees. She is pursuing creating a zero waste farm. Follow her IG here!
If you are looking for a wonderful practical book on parenting then I highly recommend the Dahl’s book Win-Win Parenting. I learned so many awesome tricks… and that “hassle time” has saved me a million empty threats!
This was their adorable kitten, Holly. She sure was loved!
Thank ya’ll for having me out to photograph your family! I loved meeting you all!